Can drones help you look after your assets?
Detailed photography of roofs and chimneys
Vertex Air have experience undertaking roof surveys of large portfolios of buildings for Housing Associations, Councils and other landlords.
Using drone roof surveys as part of a planned preventative maintenance regime can help to reduce large unexpected repairs by identifying faults early and remedying them before they get worse.
Talk to us about how we can help with your roof survey needs
Cost effective
Unlike the vast majority of other UAV operators, Vertex’s inspections and surveys are undertaken by qualified Building Surveyors, who specialises in the assessment and remediation of defective building envelopes, historic buildings, industrial structures and infrastructure, such as bridges and viaducts. This ensures Vertex Air’s building and roof inspections deliver the highest quality results, safely and cost-effectively, that can be relied on to inform our client’s decision making.
Set up on site is simple, an appropriate take off and landing spot will have already been chosen during the desktop survey as part of the Risk Assessment process. Typically only requiring one operative and our UAV, Vertex’s drone surveys completely eliminating the costs associated with alternative access. UAVs dramatically reduce the time required to complete the survey – an experienced, qualified pilot can capture thousands of images in just a few hours. This not only allows for sites to remain open with minimal disturbance to working operations or public use, it significantly reduces the costs of performing the survey.
Storm damage survey
Roof and facade survey at height
High Value Data
An accurate condition survey of a roof is necessary to make sure that reactive maintenance issues can be identified and an appropriate course of action can be planned (the surveyors on a project work closely with members of sister companies Vertex Rope Access and Vertex Heritage meaning remediation techniques and access plans can be put forward to the client).
By incorporating additional services (such as thermal imaging and 3D modelling), additional insights into the condition of a building can be gained, all from one visit to site. This high value data can help put together a Planned Preventative Maintenance regime, which can save money in the long term.
To browse the full range of our services, click here or to discuss your drone building roof survey or inspection requirements, LiveChat below, email us on or call 01709 379 453